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  • Akash Gorane
    Enable native brute-force protection
    by Akash Gorane
    Error on Imunify 360 dashboard: Enable native brute-force protection module for Dovecot to protect against IMAP/POP3 services attacks.

    Solution: Dovecot native brute force protection module improves stability and resolves issues that standard PAM caused in some cases The following commands can be used to control the Dovecot native module.

    imunify360-agent config update '{"PAM": {"enable":
    02-03-2023, 06:12 PM
  • Akash Gorane
    Enable native brute-force protection.
    by Akash Gorane
    Error on Imunify 360 dashboard: Enable native brute-force protection module for Dovecot to protect against IMAP/POP3 services attacks.

    Solution: Dovecot native brute force protection module improves stability and resolves issues that standard PAM caused in some cases The following commands can be used to control the Dovecot native module.

    imunify360-agent config update '{"PAM": {"enable":
    02-03-2023, 06:09 PM
  • Akash Gorane
    Imunify agent is not running (Imunify360)
    by Akash Gorane
    Having the Imunify service installed, you may come across the situation when the message 'Imunify agent is not running' is displayed when you try to access the Dashboard:

    Steps to resolve the issue:
    - Check the service status: service imunify360 status (If service is stopped then 'start the service using 'service imunify360 start')
    - If everything is normal then restart the service: service imunify360 restart and then check Imunify360 in WHM interface again:...
    12-21-2022, 03:45 PM
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  • Enable native brute-force protection

    Enable native brute-force protection

    Error on Imunify 360 dashboard: Enable native brute-force protection module for Dovecot to protect against IMAP/POP3 services attacks.

    Solution: Dovecot native brute force protection module improves stability and resolves issues that standard PAM caused in some cases The following commands can be used to control the Dovecot native module.

    imunify360-agent config update '{"PAM": {"enable":
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  • Enable native brute-force protection.

    Enable native brute-force protection.

    Error on Imunify 360 dashboard: Enable native brute-force protection module for Dovecot to protect against IMAP/POP3 services attacks.

    Solution: Dovecot native brute force protection module improves stability and resolves issues that standard PAM caused in some cases The following commands can be used to control the Dovecot native module.

    imunify360-agent config update '{"PAM": {"enable":
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  • Imunify agent is not running (Imunify360)

    Imunify agent is not running (Imunify360)

    Having the Imunify service installed, you may come across the situation when the message 'Imunify agent is not running' is displayed when you try to access the Dashboard:

    Steps to resolve the issue:
    - Check the service status: service imunify360 status (If service is stopped then 'start the service using 'service imunify360 start')
    - If everything is normal then restart the service: service imunify360 restart and then check Imunify360 in WHM interface again:...
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