1. Install the minification plugin:
Minification Plugin bundle all the CSS on your page into a single file and include it in the <head>
There are lots of minification plugins available but we recommend w3 Total Cache,
To enable minification install W3 Total Cache from the appearances-> Plugins ->Activate the Plugins.
Then Go to Performance->General Settings->Enable Minify

2. Manually include the CSS in your theme
Paste the following theme code in functions.php file:
If you do not need any of the code above you can remove it for example , if you’re only using Flex Slider slideshows, delete the Nivo, Coin and R slides includes. You could also choose to conditionally load the CSS on specific pages using the is_front_page() or is_page() functions.
1. Install the minification plugin:
Minification Plugin bundle all the CSS on your page into a single file and include it in the <head>
There are lots of minification plugins available but we recommend w3 Total Cache,
To enable minification install W3 Total Cache from the appearances-> Plugins ->Activate the Plugins.
Then Go to Performance->General Settings->Enable Minify
2. Manually include the CSS in your theme
Paste the following theme code in functions.php file:
/** * Enqueue Meta Slider CSS files in the <head> of every page. */ function metaslider_styles() { // flex slider wp_enqueue_style( 'metaslider-flexslider', plugins_url() . '/ml-slider/assets/sliders/flexslider/flexslider.css' ); // coin slider wp_enqueue_style( 'metaslider-coinslider', plugins_url() . '/ml-slider/assets/sliders/sliders/coinslider/coin-slider-styles.css' ); // nivo slider wp_enqueue_style( 'metaslider-nivoslider', plugins_url() . '/ml-slider/assets/sliders/nivoslider/nivo-slider.css' ); // responsive slides wp_enqueue_style( 'metaslider-reslides', plugins_url() . '/ml-slider/assets/sliders/responsiveslides/responsiveslides.css' ); // general CSS (do not remove) wp_enqueue_style( 'metaslider-public', plugins_url() . '/ml-slider/assets/metaslider/public.css' ); // uncomment these lines if you are using Meta Slider Pro // wp_enqueue_style( 'metaslider-public-pro', plugins_url() . '/ml-slider-pro/assets/public.css' ); // wp_enqueue_style( 'metaslider-pro-animate', plugins_url() . '/ml-slider-pro/modules/layer/assets/animate/animate.css' ); } add_action('wp_head', 'metaslider_styles');