To enlarge and develop the performance of the WordPress site plugins are introduced as a part of the software system. The software can be uploaded to the version of WordPress site which makes it stay in demand amongst the users very frequently. Being a self-hosted website, the basic advantage of using it is the uploading of plugins.
Premium Version vs. Free version plugins
There is a directory which serves as a home to the plugins. Available are tons of plugins for downloading the free version from WordPress directory. Premium version of plugins are also available which can be termed as the paid versions.
Reasons as to why one should opt for the paid plugins:
- Though there are multiple numbers of free plugins available for the WordPress sites, still the advantages one gets while downloading the paid plugins is that these are supported well with the staff and coordinated well with the developers who make it easy to maintain the security issues and make the plugin compatibility much easier too to get along with the latest turned updates of the WordPress site.
- The compatibility issue arises when two plugins come in the way of each other while running on the common platform, working with the paid version gives assurance to the user that the problem will be dealt off with the supporting staff and rectified as soon as possible
Following are the versions of plugins which can be deployed with the WordPress site to increase its functionality and features, these include both the free versions as well as the premium and the paid versions available to be installed:
W3 Total Cache
To improve the total experience of the user, this plugin is implemented which increases the overall processing speed. The time of downloading is comparatively reduced, in turn fetching the user with an increased performance of the server. The loading time of the pages gets reduced subsequently which definitely improves the ranking of the site in the search engines.
WordPress is selected as to be the most popular platform to enrol into one’s creativity and thus becomes the whole sole target line to be attacked by the array of cybercriminals. Being a good defender can help to stay in the game. For this, protection is required to stay away from the hackers.
These defender plugins understand the fragileness and bring to the knowledge of the user if the site has been hacked or is approached by the cybercriminals.
It’s a powerful suite offering the following services when installing on the WordPress site:
- Site performance is thoroughly improved
- Security system is enhanced
- Large range of content tools are offered
- Sharing on the social network
- Comments are absolutely Spam Free
The filtration of any comment or is automatically rectified which gives a notion to fall under the category of a spam. It also highlights the comments which are marked as spam or unmarked and shows them in the history folder.
Google Analytics +
Tracking down the movement of the user with respect to the visits to the sites and the steps adopted to surf the site fetches one with the idea as how to lay the foundation to improve the site. Using this plugin will enable to track down the user’s visits and enable the more advanced settings in this respect to raising the site’s performance.
iThemes Security
There are many administrators who are not even aware of the loopholes the WordPress sites are engrossed with. This particular plugin helps in rectifying such defects and improving the efficiency of the site.
Unknown access from other plugins can also land up the user into troubles of all kinds. And make the website an easily available target to be attacked. iTheme proceeds by detecting these holes and working further to remove these holes.
All the above plugins if used will help in the optimum functioning of the WordPress sites to clean up the spam, protect the site from cybercrimes and result finally into more smoothly running a website.