1. List count and messages that are in mail queue:
2. To view the header and the body of the specific email :
3. To check the mail logs:
4. To check the mail logs for specific mail ID:
5.To check the count of specific email address:
6. To show the list of the specific email address:
7. To remove the mail queue
HTML Code:
#postqueue -p
HTML Code:
#postcat -q mail_id For example : #postcat -q C2E8B662167
HTML Code:
#less /usr/local/psa/var/log/maillog
HTML Code:
#less /usr/local/psa/var/log/maillog | grep mail_id
HTML Code:
#mailq |grep info@example.com | wc -l
HTML Code:
#mailq |grep info@example.com
HTML Code:
#postsuper -d ALL
HTML Code:
# /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/mailqueuemng