Issue: Service Temporarily Unavailable the server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. please try again later.
The message may be displayed to users in several cases:
server misconfiguration
server capacity problems
maintenance mode is enabled
In this case, your store is not available at the moment.
The file maintenance.flag is created in Magento 2 root folder during the installation process. The file is automatically removed after the processing done. However, something went wrong and the file won’t be deleted or will be created again. Then Magento will define the file and display the message mentioned above.
In this case, you can simply rename the file maintenance.flag which will help you to solve the issue.
The message may be displayed to users in several cases:
server misconfiguration
server capacity problems
maintenance mode is enabled
In this case, your store is not available at the moment.
The file maintenance.flag is created in Magento 2 root folder during the installation process. The file is automatically removed after the processing done. However, something went wrong and the file won’t be deleted or will be created again. Then Magento will define the file and display the message mentioned above.
In this case, you can simply rename the file maintenance.flag which will help you to solve the issue.