The SendGrid is a cloud-based SMTP service provider that allows you to send email without having to maintain email servers.
You can follow the below SendGrid SMTP settings.
1. Login to your VPS or server using your root login credentials.
2. Go to Service Configuration and click on Exim Configuration Manager and go under the Advanced Editor tab.

3. Find the section called Section: AUTH and paste the following into the text box.
Use SendGrid username and password)
4. Find the section called Section: PREROUTERS paste the following in the.
5. Find the section called Section: TRANSPORTSTART and paste the following in the.
You can follow the below SendGrid SMTP settings.
1. Login to your VPS or server using your root login credentials.
2. Go to Service Configuration and click on Exim Configuration Manager and go under the Advanced Editor tab.
3. Find the section called Section: AUTH and paste the following into the text box.
HTML Code:
sendgrid_login: driver = plaintext public_name = LOGIN client_send = <YourSendGridUsername> <YourSendGridPassword>
4. Find the section called Section: PREROUTERS paste the following in the.
HTML Code:
send_via_sendgrid: driver = manualroute domains = ! +local_domains transport = sendgrid_smtp route_list = "* byname" host_find_failed = defer no_more
HTML Code:
sendgrid_smtp: driver = smtp hosts = hosts_require_auth = <; $host_address hosts_require_tls = <; $host_address