1. Download MyBB using the following link:

2. Install XAMPP on your machine by using the following link :

3. Once the MyBB download is complete extract the folder of MyBB.Copy all the files from MyBB/upload folder and paste it in C:\xampp\htdocs\ create a new folder name as myBB
paste all the file to the above following path.
4. Start the xampp panel.

5. On a browser type localhost/myBB/install/index.php
Below window will appear:

6. Click on Next Button :
Accept the license Terms and Conditions and Click on Next.

7. The requirement of MyBB is compatible with your machine then click on Next.

8. Type the username and password of the database
The default database username is root and password is empty .
You can create the database by going to the following link: localhost/phpmyadmin
create the new database and type the database name here and click on Next.

9. Once the table is created click on Next

10. Click on Next

11. Install Theme and click on Next

12. In Board Configuration you can type your Forum Name , Contact Email and click on Next

13. Type the username,password and the email address and click on Next

14. Once the installation is finished open the MyBB and Admin Control Panel in New Tab.

15. You will see following tab has opened :
Type the username and password which you have set in administration user installation and click on Login Below window will appear

16. This is my MyBB Admin Control Panel

17. This is MyBB forum

This is how you can install MyBB forum software on windows 7 localhost
1. Download MyBB using the following link:
2. Install XAMPP on your machine by using the following link :
3. Once the MyBB download is complete extract the folder of MyBB.Copy all the files from MyBB/upload folder and paste it in C:\xampp\htdocs\ create a new folder name as myBB
paste all the file to the above following path.
4. Start the xampp panel.
5. On a browser type localhost/myBB/install/index.php
Below window will appear:
6. Click on Next Button :
Accept the license Terms and Conditions and Click on Next.
7. The requirement of MyBB is compatible with your machine then click on Next.
8. Type the username and password of the database
The default database username is root and password is empty .
You can create the database by going to the following link: localhost/phpmyadmin
create the new database and type the database name here and click on Next.
9. Once the table is created click on Next
10. Click on Next
11. Install Theme and click on Next
12. In Board Configuration you can type your Forum Name , Contact Email and click on Next
13. Type the username,password and the email address and click on Next
14. Once the installation is finished open the MyBB and Admin Control Panel in New Tab.
15. You will see following tab has opened :
Type the username and password which you have set in administration user installation and click on Login Below window will appear
16. This is my MyBB Admin Control Panel
17. This is MyBB forum
This is how you can install MyBB forum software on windows 7 localhost