1. BackupBuddy:

2. BackUpWordPress:
3. WP All Bakup:

4. UpdraftPlus:
5. WP-DB-Backup
- WordPress needs the reliable backup strategy so BackupBuddy is the best wordPress Plugin which is used for backup.
- BackupBuddy backup everything on the wordpress websites:
- It takes only the few steps to backup the site like the restore or migration.
- We can save the variety of Backups in DropBox or google-chrome.
- It is a paid plugin.
2. BackUpWordPress:
- Backup WordPress Plugin is the simple backup solution which is available as paid and as well as premium versions.
- If you don’t need the restore or the migration assistance then this plugin is very good option.
- BackupWordPress is a complete WordPress backup plugin.It automatically create different schedules of database and files.
3. WP All Bakup:
- WP All Backup plugin helps you to create Backup and Restore Backup easily on a single click.
- Create Database Backup on single click.
- Manual Backup
- Multisite Backup
- Backup Entire site
- Backup WordPress Post,Pages,Plugins and Database.
4. UpdraftPlus:
- UpDraft Plus is also the plugin which is available for free as well as Paid Plugins.
- Free Plugins enable users to backup and restore the WordPress files and the database and the Paid Plugin is used for backup,restortations and WordPress Migrations.
- UpdraftPlus plugin automatically upload the backup through DropBox,Google-Drive.,FTP
5. WP-DB-Backup
- Wp-DB Backup plugin is the plugin which is used only to backup WordPress Database.
- WP-DB-Backup is very useful tools for the user who do not have access to phpMyAdmin to backup database WordPress manually.